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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Born Against - Albums

Born Against - Man Is the Bastard split 8" (1994)
Track List:

1. Albany Acadmy
2. Wearing A Lampshade
3. 5$ An Hour
4. My Favorite Housing Project
5. S.P.O
6. Unilateral Cob
7. Alone With Labor
8. 2 Oz Jar
9. The Roller

Born against - The Rebel Sound Of Shit And Failure (1995)
Track List :  
  1. Neil
  2. The Good Father  
  3. Mary And Child
  4. Eulogy 
  5. Riding With Mary 
  6. The Nail That Sticks Up Gets Hammered Down 
  7. Resist Control 
  8. Half Mast 
  9. Xmas Eve 
  10. Nine Years Later 
  11. Born Again 
  12. Witness To A Rape 
  13. Well Fed Fuck 
  14. Body Counts 
  15. Alive With Pleasure 
  16. Movin' On Up 
  17. I Am A Idiot 
  18. Bit Part In A Movie 
  19. Lillian
  20. Janelle 
  21. Go Fuck Yourself 
  22. Albany Academy 
  23. Wearing A Lampshade 
  24. Five Dollars An Hour 
  25. My Favorite Housing Project

Born against - Patriotic Battle Hymns (1996)
Track List :   
  1. Mount The Pavement  
  2. Shroud
  3. By The Throat 
  4. Nine Years Later 
  5. Test Pattern 
  6. Mary And Child 
  7. Jock Gestapo 
  8. Organ Of Hope 
  9. Well Fed Fuck 
  10. Murder The Sons Of Bitches 
  11. Mt. Dew
  12. Footbound & Hobbled 
  13. This Thrash Should've Been Free 
  14. Poland
  15. Dendero
  16. Set Your AM Dial For White Empowerment 
  17. Born Against Are Fucking Dead

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