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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Se afișează postările cu eticheta Career Suicide. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta Career Suicide. Afișați toate postările

Career Suicide - Albums

Career Suicide - MLP (2002)
Track List:

1. Fall Out
2. Hapless
3. Bought To The Brink
4. Out Of Hope, Out Rope And Out Of Time.
5. Bend At The Crease
6. Stay Right Here
7.  Jonzo´s Leaking Radiation
8. Signs Of Life

Career Suicide - Signals (2004) EP 
Track List:

1. Left With Nothing
2. Walk The Line
3. Signals
4. Lost On You

Career Suicide - Jed Whitey (2004)
Track List:

1. The One That Got Away
2. Borrowed Time
3. On The Run
4. Disguise
5. It Takes One To Know
6. Rearranged
7.  There's Something Wrong With You
8. Caption
9. Kill Radio
10. Hey Whitey
11. Hands Up If You Think I'm Cool
12. State Violence, State Control
13. Bad Taste Antidote

Career Suicide - Invisible Eyes (2005) Ep
Track List:

1. Watching You
2. Turnaround
3. Bored Bored Bored
4. Reason To Doubt Disconnect
5. The Shot

Career Suicide - Attempted Suicide (2008)
Track List:

1. Play the Part
2. Saving Face
3. Realities
4. Recipe for Disaster
5. The Last Say
6. Impact Side
7. Fan the Flame
8. Attempted Suicide
9. From the Start Blink
10. You Got Caught
11. Out of the Fray
12. Keep to Yourself

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