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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

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Se afișează postările cu eticheta Emmure. Afișați toate postările

Emmure - Albums

Emmure - Démo (2004)
 Track List:

1.  Mr. Know It All But No One Asks Me the Right Questions
2.  If God Only Knew
3.  Grey Season
4. Green Is The Worst Color Ever

Emmure - Démo (2005)
 Track List:

1. 22 Exits Away
2. I Should Have Called Mrs. Cleo
3. Johnny Carson Didn't Have to Die

Emmure - The Complete Guide to Needlework (2006) Ep
 Track List:

1. Second Hand Smoke
2. Johnny Carson Didn't Have to Die
3. Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth
4. I Should Have Called Ms. Cleo
5. 22 Exits Away
6. A Fist Fight with Dick Tracy

Emmure - Goodbye to the Gallows (2007)
 Track List:

1. A Ticket for the Paralyzer
2. 10 Signs You Should Leave
3. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
4. Rusted Over Wet Dreams
5. You Got a Henna Tattoo That Said Forever
6. Travis Bickle
7. Sleeping Princess in Devil's Castle
8. The Key to Keeping the Show Fresh Is... I'm Dead
9. It's Not Just a Party, It's a Funeral
10. When Everything Goes Wrong, Take the Easy Way Out

Emmure - The Respect Issue (2008) 
 Track List:

1. Young Rich, and Out of Control
2. Sound Wave Superior
3. I Only Mean Half of What I Don't Say
4. False Love in Real Life
5. Chicago's Finest
6. Tales From the Burg
7. Rough Justice
8. Snuff 2: the Resurrection
9. Dry Ice
10. You're More Like Friend Without the "R"

Emmure - Felony (2009)
Track List: 

1. Sunday Bacon
2. I Thought you Met Telly and Turned me into Casper
3. I 3 EC2
4. Felony
5. You Sunk My Battleship
6. The Philosophy of Time Travel
7. First Impressions
8. R2Deepthroat
9. Bars in Astoria
10. A Lesson from Nichole
11. Don't Be One
12. Immaculate Misconception

Emmure - Speaker of the Dead (2011) 
Track List: 

1. Children of Cybertron
2. Area 64-66
3. Dogs Get Put Down
4. Demons with Ryu
5. Solar Flare Homicide
6. Eulogy of Giants
7. Bohemian Grove
8. 4 Poisons 3 Words
9. Cries of Credo
10. Last Words to Rose
11. A Voice From Below
12. Drug Dealer Friend
13. My Name is Thanos
14. Light Brings Salvation
15. Words of Intulo

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