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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

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Se afișează postările cu eticheta Body Count. Afișați toate postările

Body Count - Albums

Body Count - Body Count (1992)
Track List:

1. Smoked Park
2. Body Count's in the House
3. Now Sports
4. Body Count
5. A Statistic
6. Bowels of the Devil
7. The Real Problem
8. KKK Bitch
9. C Note
10. Voodoo
11. The Winner Loses
12. There Goes the Neighborhood
13. Oprah
14. Evil Dick
15. Body Count Anthem
16. Momma's Gotta Die Tonight
17. Out In The Parking Lot
18. Cop Killer
19. Freedom Of Speech

 Body Count - Born Dead (1994)
Track List:

1. Body M/F Count
2. Masters of Revenge
3. Killin' Floor
4. Necessary Evil
5. Drive by
6. Last Breath
7. Hey Joe
8. Shallow Graves
9. Surviving the Game
10. Who Are You
11. Street Lobotomy
12. Born Dead

Body Count - Violent Demise The Last Days (2006)
Track List:

1. Interview
2. My Way
3. Strippers Intro
4. Strippers
5. Truth Or Death
6. Violent Demise
7. Bring It To Pain
8. Music Business
9. I Used To Love Her
10. Root Of All Evil
11. Dead Man Walking
12. Interview End
13. You're Fuckin' With Bc
14. Ernie's Intro
15. Dr. K
16. Last Days

 Body Count - Violent Murder 4 Hire (2006)
Track List:

 1. Invincible Gangsta
2. The End Game
3. You Don't Know Me (Pain)
4. The Passion of Christ
5. In My Head
6. D Rocs (R.I.P.)
7. Murder 4 Hire
8. Down in the Bayou
9. Dirty Bombs
10. Lies
11. Relationships
12. Mr. C's Theme

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