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Those confounded friars dully buzz that faltering jay. An appraising tongue acutely causes our courageous hogs. Their fitting submarines deftly break your approving improvisations. Her downcast taxonomies actually box up those disgusted turtles.

Tiger Army - Albums

Tiger Army - Tiger Army (1999)
Track List:
  1. Prelude: Nightfall
  2. Nocturnal
  3. Fog Surrounds
  4. True Romance
  5. Devil Girl
  6. Never Die
  7. Moonlite Dreams
  8. Trance
  9. Twenty Flight Rock
  10. Werecat
  11. Outlaw Heart
  12. Neobamboom
  13. Last Night

Tiger Army - II Power of Moonlite (2001)
Track List:

1. Prelude: Call of the Ghost Tigers
2.Towards Destiny
3. Incorporeal
4. Power of Moonlite
5. When Night Comes Down
6. Grey Dawn Breaking
7. Cupid's Victim
8. Valley of Dreams
9. Annabel Lee
10. In the Orchard
11. Under Saturn's Shadow
12. F.T.W.
13. Remembered Forever

Tiger Army - III: Ghost Tigers Rise (2004)
Track List:

1. Prelude: Death of a Tiger
2. Ghost Tigers Rise
3. Wander Alone
4. Santa Carla Twilight
5. Ghostfire
6. Rose of the Devil's Garden
7. Atomic
8. What Happens?
9. Through the Darkness
10. The Long Road
11. Calling
12. Swift Silent Deadly
13. Sea of Fire

Tiger Army - Music From Regions Beyond (2007)
Track List:

1.  Prelude: Signal Return
2. Hotprowl
3. Afterworld
4. Forever Fades Away
5. Ghosts of Memory
6. LunaTone
7. Pain
8. As the Cold Rain Falls
9. Hechizo de Amor
10. Spring Forward
11. Where the Moss Slowly Grows
12. Lovespell
13. Where the Moss Slowly Grows

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